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Monday, 27 June 2011

Follow Up

On Friday I guest posted (read it here) for the first time.  I have to say it was a scary move for me, but after the response I received, one I'm very glad I took.  So firstly, hello to all new followers - thank you for making my day and taking my follower count up to 50 (I'm still in a bit of shock) and of course thank you to all you who have followed me and continue to do so; every time someone reads a post or leaves a comment I am reminded why I blog and why I love it so much.

Now that I've said all that I honestly don't know what to say to follow it.  It was a long weekend for me - I went to a BBQ which totally exhausted me though it was good to see a few people I haven't seen in a long time, and even made a new friend (we're facebook pals now so it totally counts).  As for what I have planned for this week, I'm not entirely sure.  I know a lot of resting is on the cards, and hopefully some unpacking as well (seriously, the bags of my stuff dominating the floor are beginning to get to me) though this is easier said than done as much of it needs to be unpacked into furniture that isn't here yet! 

How did you all spend your weekend and what plans do you have for the following week?


Anonymous said...

I'm glad that things went so well for you! Yay!

Nicole Jayne said...

We spent Saturday with Dan's parents as it was Bob's birthday so Karen and I got a pedicure, manicure, waxing and hair cut ready for Portugal.
Sunday we went to put the deposit down on our new house :-) we're going to be throwing a moving in party when we're up there.
How are you doing now? x