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Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Post Pals

I just wanted to tell you about Post Pals which is a site dedicated to making the lives of children suffering from serious illnesses and their families better.  The site enables you to send post eg. letters, cards, gifts to the children to bring smiles to their faces.  As someone who has found themselves stuck at home I know how important post can be to your day.

What I particularly like about this site is that it runs events throughout the year such as themed gift sets where volunteers send a package to a designated child, usually a sibling of a child with a serious illness.  I think this is really important as so often these siblings are forgotten as the trauma of having to deal with an ill child hits the family.  If you would like to participate or find out more please email Lorna Rogers at  I for one will be sending a princess/fairy themed box this May as a surprise for a little girl - can't wait to get shopping.

1 comment:

Kess said...

That's a lovely idea, Bethany :) Thanks for sharing this. I've bookmarked the link so that I can get involved when I have a bit more time :)