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Tuesday, 22 March 2011

A Pictured Day

Last week I promised you all pictures of my amazing day, so here they are:

On the way to the train station we were waylaid by a St. Patrick's Day Parade - I'm not entirely sure why, but it seemed to consist of 4 different bagpipe groups (bands?).  Is it me or isn't bagpipes the instrument of Scotland?

Anyway, once we made it there, our first stop was Heaven Is A Cupcake.  Can you really blame us after seeing this rainbow of cupcakes?  And yes, those are cupcake bouquets.

I just had to take a photo of this WH Smith's as it was one of the most orginal ones I've ever seen.  And yes, right next to it, was a Whittard's.  I absolutely love Whittard's but all my local ones shut down a few years ago when the company seriously down-sized, so you can imagine how happy I was to have found a nice big one for me to spend my money in.  Well, they had a Piglet mug displayed in the window so of course I had to buy it (I've been looking in Disney shops for years for a Piglet mug but have always been disappointed) as well as a pack of raspberry teabags - what can I say?  I like my fruit teas.

 I thought this sign was completely awesome - it tells you the distance in minutes for walkers!

We didn't get to go into the 'Shaken Cow' as it was full of teenagers but next time I plan on having one of their milkshakes as they look incredible.

I bought this cupcake for a friend - I just love the bubble container it comes in.  (By the way, the icing is actually red, I was playing about with the settings on my camera and somehow managed to get this shot; now I just have to work out what I did!)

And here are the photos that I know you were waiting for...the cupcakes:

The top box is my boyfriend's; the bottom one is mine and I have to say that they were all amazing.  Seriously worth the trip and I will definitely be going back for more as soon as I am able.


Deb said...

Everything about this entry makes me wish I were doing everything it pictures and describes instead of sitting at my desk dreaming it! *want*

Unknown said...

Lol, but you forget that when you are sitting at your desk your imagination can take you anywhere and isn't limited to real places.