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Saturday, 21 May 2011

Coming Out

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As many of you know 'Bethany Mason' is a pseudonym, one that I'm no longer comfortable sitting behind.  I loved Bethany and her life as a writer, but it is now time to move on, to say 'I am no longer that person'.  The truth is, I don't know who I am.  I know I love to write.  But I also love so many other things - crafting, baking, reading, indulging in wild flights of fancy.

As you can see, I am already changing.  From now on, I want this blog to represent who I am - or who I believe I am at the very least.  I am a girly girl, I like pink and swirls and cupcakes.  I a writer though I don't know what that means right now.  I am a book lover - I will devour any and every book I can lay my hands on, I just wish I had time to read them all.  I am creative.

The last one is the one I feel I have been hiding.  I have been hiding behind the labels of 'student' and 'writer'.  But now it's time for me to graduate (not literally - I still have a couple of months before that!).  I'm still not entirely sure who or what I'm graduating into (though I can share with you that this change has a lot to do with my secret project) and I hope that you will follow my journey.  However, if you find that who I am no longer interests you, or you came here for the posts on writing (I have a feeling these will be few and far between for a while), then I can promise I won't be offended if you take yourself off my followers list.  You should only spend time doing and reading what you love - and that's something I will be working on for myself.  I hope to find what I love and pursue it and will be sharing my findings with you on here.

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