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Saturday, 21 November 2009


I am a collector of stuff - I have collections of fairies, lord of the rings, and books, books, books. Often I read things about decluttering as it gives us a more fulfilling existence; after all, they tell us, we can't take it all with us. And this may be true. If there is an afterlife, we won't be able to take all our material stuff with us. But I don't think that that's a decent reason to not have and enjoy the stuff we can accumulate.

Stuff is what makes us who we are. I know we all have personalities etc. but when we die (sorry to suddenly sound all morbid) all that is left of us is memories and stuff. And when those with the memories die (I did apologize already), all that is left is the stuff. So stuff is important - it tells others what kind of person we might be. Don't diss it because you are not as materialistic as me; it just means I have a different way of coping with the emminant death than you do, not worse, not better, just different.


Muffins said...

OMG, we're like soul sisters! Haha. I collect stuff too. I have a huge collection of books, DVDs, and CDs at home and my parents used to be like "What are we going to do with those?". We have the same reason. It's just that we don't know when we're going to die. We might as well enjoy life and the stuff we have. :)

P.S. Nice blog! Following. :)
And thank you for following. :)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for replying and following my blog Muffins :D