Now, everyone knows I don't particularly like the heat, and that Winter is my favourite season. This year, however, my first reaction to the change in the weather, was disappointment. I wanted more sun. I had finally got into the Summer mood, and enjoyed going out a couple of times a week (note: massive improvement from a few months ago). And suddenly everything changed. I am not looking forward to going out as it gets colder and wetter (the downside with having a scooter is that pretty much all of me gets soaked and it's not like I can use an umbrella).
I am glad to say that this disappointment didn't last long. Of course I was hoping for more time before I had to worry about Christmas presents and decorations (I always want handmade but am never organised to do it - and I'm a firm believer that shops and the like shouldn't have anything Christmassy at least until November, so I wasn't impressed when I saw Christmas chocolates available at the grocery store today). On the flip side, a large part of why I hadn't been working on them (or anything else) as planned, was due to the ridiculous heat (like I said, I am not a fan of sweaty temperatures).
So Autumn has arrived. It means there will soon be vegetables available to make stews and thick soups. It means getting excited about Christmas (don't judge). It means shorter days, with long evenings of reading with hot chocolate. And it means beautiful colours. All in all, once the shock of how quickly everything changed wore off, I realised that I haven't changed - I still love Winter the best (though admit to dreading being trapped inside if it snows), but can appreciate every season.
*Random note - Anyone else noticed I seem to be over-using Parentheses lately?
Love that you crossed out fall! Lots of Brits now call Autumn 'fall' what's that all about!? I'm not a fan of winter at all so I'm definitely not looking forward to this season :( I do love a nice hot homemade soup though!
X Hayley-Eszti
I think it's a side-effect of the internet and so much American television. I rarely think of it as 'Fall', but the amount I've been reading about 'Fall' lately, I had to mention it, lol.
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