When I started this blog, I didn’t really have any purpose for it. I knew I wanted to improve my writing and share my views on the world. Those things are still important for me but for the past few months I have felt that I really needed to have a clear purpose for my blog posts, so over that time I have been thinking a lot about who I am and what I want from my blog. This hasn’t been easy for me. I believe in encompassing my whole self into my writing, but I have a lot of interests and hobbies, making it difficult for me to narrow down my truth. I don’t mean that I wanted to find out which of these were important (they all are, as they are all a part of me), but I needed to work out how to make them cohesive. I want only people who connect with my work and who I am, to be drawn to it. I feel that by sharing information on everything, I am not helping anyone. And so I needed to sit down and have a serious think.
In the end I found that my purpose is something that I couldn’t even have imagined when this blog was being created. I want to inspire others by showing what can be achieved. I want to share thoughts and ideas to make living easier and more enjoyable for those with chronic disabilities or conditions. And most of all, I want to give my readers hope, and a sense of empowerment through my words. I want to show that everyone has a purpose in this world, and perhaps even help some of you find it. As I’ve mentioned many times, this journey is going to be long and winding. I’m certain it won’t happen overnight. But now that I know where I want to go, it has made it possible for me to put things in motion. Writing this post is the first step, to let you know what is coming. I hope you will join me and be a part of this process, but if, for any reason you feel that this is not what you need right now, then I hope you will use your time to find someone or something that can help you.
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