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Monday, 5 March 2012

Giving You The Value You Deserve

The world (especially the internet) is full to the brim of noise, of people trying to get your attention, trying to tell you something.  I am very aware that every post that goes onto my blog adds to the din and so I want to make sure that I respect your time by not posting fluff and extra noise that doesn’t need to be there (there’s plenty of that as there is).

Last week I didn’t post at all.  This wasn’t because I was feeling lazy or not ‘in the mood’ to write anything, but I didn’t feel that I had anything useful to say.  I value the time you spend here, reading my words, so I want to make sure that I am standing up to my end of the bargain, of giving you value in exchange for your time (and if you don’t think it’s valuable, please go somewhere else and stop wasting your time).  So while I will not be giving up blogging (I love it way too much), I am going to try and only post work that I know needs to be shared and not kept lost on my laptop.  I am also going to start sharing the writing that is in alignment with where I want to go with my blog (more on this later this week).

I want you to know when you arrive, if this blog will enhance your life.  I want to spend more time talking about what matters to me, and post less frivolous, unsure posts.  I know this isn’t going to be a simple journey that is worked out immediately, but I need to start making my words matter.  Therefore, I will continue posting as often as possible, but I am no longer going to muddy the water so to speak, with apologies and insubstantial thoughts.

How do you decide what is important enough to post?  Does it bother you when you keep finding fluff in your favourite places, when you want something of value?  Please share your thoughts in the comments as I love to hear your ideas.


Chelle said...


I usually just get an idea out of nowhere and run to the computer and get it out. I publish it and hope it hits home. Some do and some don't. You're right, there's a lot of noise and people trying to get your attention, but never blog for other people. Blog for yourself and write what matters to you. If people don't like what you write, they will go elsewhere.


Unknown said...

Don't worry Chelle, I am not planning on blogging anything that doesn't matter to me - I just meant that I want to have a more specific audience in the hope that I give true value to a few people (that have the same beliefs as me) rather than giving little to none value to loads of people who couldn't give a damn about what I have to say.