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Sunday, 9 May 2010

Sunday Shout Out - MEAW

Usually I use the Sunday Shout Out to point you in the direction of a blog I read and enjoy.   This week will be slightly different as it is M.E. Awareness Week.  A lot of you know that this is a disability I have lived with for quite a long time and I often mention it in my blog.  However, I am also aware that I haven't really explained what M.E. is.  So later this week I plan to write a post about how M.E. has effected me.  But for today I am leaving some links to M.E. charities that are certainly worth a look if you want to know more about this disability. 
AYME (Association of Young People with M.E.) is the charity that I've found most useful, their services are for  sufferers under 25 - they have given me comfort and contact with other sufferers which has proved invaluable.
The M.E. Association I haven't had a lot of experience with this charity but their website is very useful if you are looking for information about M.E.
And for any sufferers or carers who may come across my blog: FAME (Fibromyalgia And M.E.) is an open forum where you can talk about anything with other sufferers.

P.S.  M.E. stands for Myalgic Encelopathy which literally translates into muscle and brain disease.  It is now known in the medical world as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome but M.E. is still the more common term with sufferers.  There is no known cure and it is uncertain what causes this disability as there doesn't appear to be any common factors in sufferers.

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